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- Parts Gallery
Parts Gallery Download PDF Fasteners (Fijación・ファスナー) Machine and tapping screws, bolts, and rivets. Forged or machined to customer specifications. Tornillos, pernos y remaches a máquina y de rosca. Forjados o mecanizados según las especificaciones del cliente. マシンスクリュー、タッピングスクリュー、ボルト、リベット。お客様の仕様に合わせて鍛造または機械加工されたもの。 Read More Nuts and Collars (Tuercas y collares・ナット ; カラー) Weld/Clinching nuts, insert collars, bushes, and rings. Forged or machined with knurling capabilities. Tuercas para soldar/fijación, collares de inserción, casquillos y anillos. Forjados o mecanizados con capacidad de moleteado. 溶接/クリンチングナット、インサートカラー、ブシュ、リング。ローレット加工が可能な鍛造品または機械加工品。 Read More Shafts and Pins (Ejes y pasadores・シャフト ピン) Shafts, pins, rods and other non-threaded parts. Forged, machined, or die cast to customer specifications. Ejes, pasadores, varillas y otras piezas no roscadas. Forjados, mecanizados o fundidos a presión según las especificaciones del cliente. シャフト、ピン、ロッド、その他の非ネジ部品。お客様の仕様に合わせた鍛造、機械加工、ダイカスト。 Read More Springs and Stamped Parts (Muelles ; piezas estampadas・バネ ;プレス品) Springs, washers, stamped frames and panels. Using stamping and coiling technology to meet customer specifications. Muelles, arandelas, marcos estampados y paneles. Utilizando la tecnología de estampación y bobinado para cumplir las especificaciones del cliente. バネ、ワッシャー、プレス加工のフレームやパネル。 プレス加工とコイリング技術を使って、お客様の仕様に合わせます。 Read More Precision Parts (Piezas de precisión・高精度製品) Precision screws, bolts, pins, nuts, washers, and gears for use in cameras, electrical components, and other precision equipment. Tornillos, pernos, pasadores, tuercas, arandelas y engranajes de precisión para su uso en cámaras, componentes eléctricos y otros equipos de precisión. カメラ、電子部品、その他精密機器に使用される精密ネジ、ボルト、ピン、ナット、ワッシャー、ギアなど。 Read More Machined Parts (Productos de corte・切削加工品) Brass/stainless steel fasteners, nuts, collars, pins, and shafts. Machined to customer specifications Fijación de latón/acero inoxidable, tuercas, collares, pasadores y ejes. Mecanizado según las especificaciones del cliente. 真鍮/ステンレス製ファスナー、ナット、カラー、ピン、シャフト。お客様の仕様に合わせて切削加工。 Read More Die Cast; Metal Injection Molding (Fundición a presión; MIM・ダイカスト ; MIM) Die-cast or metal-injected plates, frames, boards and panels. Molded to customer specifications. Placas, marcos, tableros y paneles fundidos a presión o inyectados en metal. Moldeados según las especificaciones del cliente. ダイカストまたはメタルインジェクションのプレート、フレーム、ボード、パネル。お客様の仕様に合わせて成型します。 Read More Plastics (Piezas de plástico・プラスチック製品) Plastic fasteners, panels, frames, collars, shafts, and washers. Stamped or injection-molded to customer specifications. Cierres de plástico, paneles, marcos, collares, ejes y arandelas. Estampados o moldeados por inyección según las especificaciones del cliente. プラスチック製ファスナー、パネル、フレーム、カラー、シャフト、ワッシャ。 お客様の仕様に合わせて、スタンプまたは射出成型されます。 Read More
- Springs and Stamped Parts
< Back Springs and Stamped Parts (Muelles ; piezas estampadas・バネ ;プレス品) Springs, washers, stamped frames and panels. Using stamping and coiling technology to meet customer specifications. Muelles, arandelas, marcos estampados y paneles. Utilizando la tecnología de estampación y bobinado para cumplir las especificaciones del cliente. バネ、ワッシャー、プレス加工のフレームやパネル。 プレス加工とコイリング技術を使って、お客様の仕様に合わせます。 Parts are stamped or coiled with precision capabilities. Materials (stamping): steel, brass, copper, aluminum alloys, other materials can be consulted. Materials (springs): carbon steel, stainless steel, nickel and copper alloys, other materials can be consulted. Plating: trivalent zinc chromate (clear, black, or colored), trivalent nickel, zinc-nickel, phosphate, passivation, tin, blueing, other plating can be consulted. Las piezas se estampan o enrollan con capacidad de precisión. Materiales (estampación): acero, latón, cobre, aleaciones de aluminio, pueden consultarse otros materiales. Materiales (muelles): acero al carbono, acero inoxidable, aleaciones de níquel y cobre, pueden consultarse otros materiales. Revestimiento: cromato de zinc trivalente (transparente, negro o de color), níquel trivalente, zinc-níquel, fosfato, pasivación, estaño, azulado, otros revestimientos pueden ser consultados. Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor 部品は精密な能力でプレス加工またはコイル状に加工されます。 材質(プレス):鋼、真鍮、銅、アルミ合金、その他ご相談に応じます。 材質(スプリング):炭素鋼、ステンレス鋼、ニッケル、銅合金、その他ご相談に応じます。 メッキ:3価クロメート亜鉛(透明、黒、着色)、3価ニッケル、亜鉛-ニッケル、リン酸塩、化成処理、錫、ブルーイング、その他メッキのご相談に応じます。 Previous Next
- Nuts and Collars
< Back Nuts and Collars (Tuercas y collares・ナット ; カラー) Weld/Clinching nuts, insert collars, bushes, and rings. Forged or machined with knurling capabilities. Tuercas para soldar/fijación, collares de inserción, casquillos y anillos. Forjados o mecanizados con capacidad de moleteado. 溶接/クリンチングナット、インサートカラー、ブシュ、リング。ローレット加工が可能な鍛造品または機械加工品。 Parts are cold-forged and/or machined. Materials (JIS equivalents): carbon steel, stainless steel, brass, plastic, other materials can be consulted. Plating: trivalent zinc chromate (clear, black, or colored), trivalent nickel, zinc-nickel, phosphate, passivation, tin, blueing, other plating can be consulted. Piezas forjadas en frío y/o mecanizadas. Materiales (equivalentes JIS): acero al carbono, acero inoxidable, latón, plástico, otros materiales pueden ser consultados. Revestimiento: cromato de zinc trivalente (transparente, negro o de color), níquel trivalente, zinc-níquel, fosfato, pasivación, estaño, azulado, otros revestimientos pueden ser consultados. 部品は冷間鍛造および切削加工です。 材質(JIS相当):炭素鋼、ステンレス鋼、真鍮、プラスチック、その他はご相談に応じます。 メッキ:3価クロメート亜鉛(透明、黒、着色)、3価ニッケル、亜鉛-ニッケル、リン酸塩、化成処理、錫、ブルーイング、その他ご相談に応じます。 Previous Next
- Services | Byokane (USA) - Fastener Supplier
SERVICES WE OFFER Helping Your Business Grow Sourcing and Procurement Production and sourcing of quality-assured parts from various Byokane-owned manufacturers and Byokane joint venture facilities throughout Japan, Southeast Asia, and China. Warehouse and Distribution Warehousing of 3 months-worth safety stock, cycling through our earliest deliveries to maintain quality assurance on the shelf and timely deliveries to our customer. Quality Assurance Quality inspection of parts before shipment to customer, as well as continuous quality support for running stock with top-of-the-line inspection equipment. Tokyo Byokane Group Global Market Share
- About Byokane (USA) | Byokane (USA)
Expanding Business Opportunities Download America, a nation at the forefront of discussions. With various cultural exports that impact the globe—from Hollywood movies, music, sports, landscapes, and high-tech industries—the U.S. is a Melting Pot of diverse ethnic backgrounds that make it unique from mono-ethnic nations like Japan. Asserting one’s rights and opinions are celebrated among a people who value liberty and equality above all, allowing captivating ideas to be spread the world over. Overview of the U.S. A great economic power consisting of 50 states with its governing body in Washington D.C., the U.S. is the largest multi-ethnic nation with a land area 25 times the size of Japan and a population of 330 million. According to the 2020 U.S. National Census, though the population has continued to grow, overall growth rate has slowed—as of 2020, the ethnic make-up of the U.S. population was Caucasian 57.8%, Hispanic 18.7%, African-American 12.1%, Asian 6%, Other 6.1%. Looking further at the U.S. Diversity Index (DI), ethnic diversity has continued to grow from 54.9% to 61.1%. Within this diverse framework, the two main languages spoken are English (80%) and Spanish (12%). From a religious standpoint, nearly 70% of all Americans identify as Christians and 50% as Protestants, stemming from the Puritan influence of America’s first settlers from Europe. America’s economy is just as diverse, specializing in manufacturing, agriculture (wheat, corn, soy, etc.), and forestry within the industrial sector, while also having a focus on finance, insurance, real estate, and services in the commercial sector. Characteristics of Each Region New York, located on the Northeast Coast, is the epicenter of American commerce being home to international corporate headquarters as well as the United Nations. On the West Coast, Silicon Valley houses the headquarters of leading tech companies such as Apple, Google, Airbnb, and various semi-conductor manufacturers. Between these two epicenters, a vast stretch of land allows for various climates, cultures, and industries to flourish in each state. Advantages of Investing in the U.S. Though recent media attention has been focused on China (with a population of 1.3 bn) and India (with a 2050 projected population of 1.7 bn), the U.S.—despite its population of 330 million—boasts a GDP of nearly 20 trillion dollars and a quarter of the world economy, making it the largest economic power in the world. The comparative wealth of American citizens supports a flexible American economy, of which consumer spending constitutes 70% of America’s GDP (i.e., 17% of the global GDP). The U.S. is still the world’s largest global market, and it continues to grow. Which industry has the highest profitability in each state? The map below shows the most profitable industry in each state. While each state in the U.S. boasts its own unique identity, local industrial development is often dependent on regional geographical features. Local industries may adapt to regions suited for agriculture or operate as bases of research, while other industries may develop as centers of tourism. Primary examples of highly profitable state-based industries include oil in Texas; aerospace in Washington; jewelry (diamonds and precious metals) in New York; oil and minerals in Louisiana’s Gulf Coast; research and development in California; and the automotive industry in Michigan. Moreover, the U.S. has promoted a return to U.S.-based manufacturing with the doctrine, “made in America.” The generally accepted motives behind this push are to (1) mitigate risk; (2) reinforce self-supply; (3) develop a reliable self-defense network; (4) incentivize consumer demand; and (5) promote sustainability. In addition to U.S. corporations, those in Europe, China, Korea and ASEAN, etc. have also begun developing their own production bases in the U.S. The U.S. possesses a vast land filled with abundant natural resources, allowing industries to procure raw materials, manufacture, and process end products entirely within its borders. As a result, U.S.-based manufacturing serves as a hedge against geopolitical and supply chain risks. For Japanese corporations expanding into the U.S., as displayed in the figure below, the manufacturing industry still represents the largest sector of expansion overall despite its declining ratio to the whole. BYOKANE (USA) CORPORATION Byokane (USA) is a trading company specializing in the production and handling of a wide variety of processed metal components including bolts, nuts, and other various fasteners. Established in 1988, Byokane (USA) has since continued to support the manufacture of automotives, home and office appliances, housing and medical equipment, and renewable energy. The sales office and distribution warehouse in Norcross, Georgia, serves as an ideal location due to its temperate climate and minimal risk of natural disasters, making it possible to maintain a stable supply network for customers. Bilingual staff, communicating in English and Japanese, work to enhance customer satisfaction by providing products and solutions in line with customer needs and delivering a timely supply solution from a carefully managed inventory. This carefully managed supply system is made possible by a global Byokane network that allows us to deliver high-quality products which meet customer needs. Byokane’s main production capabilities include specialized cold forming, stamping, machining, die-casting, MIM, coiling, sintering, ASSY, injection molding, specialized molding, resin molding, and FA—all of which allow the supply of such products as precision fasteners, specialized collars and nuts, assembled parts, springs, and molded plastic parts. Anticipating and Responding to Changing Needs Popular interest in carbon neutrality has turned recent national attention towards the EV industry, after a presidential executive order was signed into effect, outlining a goal “that 50% of all new passenger cars and light trucks sold in 2030 be zero-emission vehicles” (White House statement). By achieving this target, greenhouse gases from new cars sold in 2030 would decrease by more than 60% compared to those sold in 2020. Moreover, the U.S. government is endorsing a shift towards an EV-centric automotive industry after 7.5 bn dollars of government subsidies were set aside for the development of EV infrastructure as part of an overall 1-trillion-dollar infrastructure investment plan. Company Information Name : BYOKANE (U.S.A.) CORPORATION Address : 4025 Steve Reynolds Blvd. Suite 114 Norcross, GA 30093 USA Establishment : 1988 ISO Certification : ISO9001:2015 If you have any requests or inquiries, please feel free to contact us. We look forward to developing a mutually prosperous relationship with you. **If you have any difficulties for in-person meetings, we can also accommodate web meetings over Microsoft Teams. Tel : +1-770-923-3228 Email : USA Homepage : Language : Japanese, English A recent EV project involving specialized bolts, for use in a leading e-commerce fleet of delivery vans, has allowed Byokane to be a part of this growing trend. Such projects directly lead to the reduction of greenhouse gases. In the early stages of this project, discussions regarding bolt prints led to a consultation with manufacturers to propose various bolt shapes that would conform to customer needs while remaining effective and realistic. A final design was determined with the customer after exchanging needs and requirements concerning dimensions, inspections, and quality satisfaction. Byokane’s mission statement is to provide the best possible customer experience and achieve high customer satisfaction by proposing solutions for both existing and potential needs, while incorporating Byokane’s capabilities with customer input. Expansive business opportunities await in environment-responsive markets like the growing EV industry, with opportunities in charging stations and EV components, or equipment-centric markets like the medical industry, of which the U.S. market comprises 40% of the total global market share. If there is anything we can support, Byokane’s vast network of supply chains and production resources founded on a principle of timely delivery and quality satisfaction is yours, starting with a stable supply here in Georgia, U.S. For more information, contact Byokane (USA) today for quotes and free consultations.
- Springs and Stamped Parts
< Back Springs and Stamped Parts (Muelles ; piezas estampadas・バネ ;プレス品) Springs, washers, stamped frames and panels. Using stamping and coiling technology to meet customer specifications. Muelles, arandelas, marcos estampados y paneles. Utilizando la tecnología de estampación y bobinado para cumplir las especificaciones del cliente. バネ、ワッシャー、プレス加工のフレームやパネル。 プレス加工とコイリング技術を使って、お客様の仕様に合わせます。 Parts are stamped or coiled with precision capabilities. Materials (stamping): steel, brass, copper, aluminum alloys, other materials can be consulted. Materials (springs): carbon steel, stainless steel, nickel and copper alloys, other materials can be consulted. Plating: trivalent zinc chromate (clear, black, or colored), trivalent nickel, zinc-nickel, phosphate, passivation, tin, blueing, other plating can be consulted. Las piezas se estampan o enrollan con capacidad de precisión. Materiales (estampación): acero, latón, cobre, aleaciones de aluminio, pueden consultarse otros materiales. Materiales (muelles): acero al carbono, acero inoxidable, aleaciones de níquel y cobre, pueden consultarse otros materiales. Revestimiento: cromato de zinc trivalente (transparente, negro o de color), níquel trivalente, zinc-níquel, fosfato, pasivación, estaño, azulado, otros revestimientos pueden ser consultados. Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor 部品は精密な能力でプレス加工またはコイル状に加工されます。 材質(プレス):鋼、真鍮、銅、アルミ合金、その他ご相談に応じます。 材質(スプリング):炭素鋼、ステンレス鋼、ニッケル、銅合金、その他ご相談に応じます。 メッキ:3価クロメート亜鉛(透明、黒、着色)、3価ニッケル、亜鉛-ニッケル、リン酸塩、化成処理、錫、ブルーイング、その他メッキのご相談に応じます。 Previous Next
- Nuts and Collars
< Back Nuts and Collars (Tuercas y collares・ナット ; カラー) Weld/Clinching nuts, insert collars, bushes, and rings. Forged or machined with knurling capabilities. Tuercas para soldar/fijación, collares de inserción, casquillos y anillos. Forjados o mecanizados con capacidad de moleteado. 溶接/クリンチングナット、インサートカラー、ブシュ、リング。ローレット加工が可能な鍛造品または機械加工品。 Parts are cold-forged and/or machined. Materials (JIS equivalents): carbon steel, stainless steel, brass, plastic, other materials can be consulted. Plating: trivalent zinc chromate (clear, black, or colored), trivalent nickel, zinc-nickel, phosphate, passivation, tin, blueing, other plating can be consulted. Piezas forjadas en frío y/o mecanizadas. Materiales (equivalentes JIS): acero al carbono, acero inoxidable, latón, plástico, otros materiales pueden ser consultados. Revestimiento: cromato de zinc trivalente (transparente, negro o de color), níquel trivalente, zinc-níquel, fosfato, pasivación, estaño, azulado, otros revestimientos pueden ser consultados. 部品は冷間鍛造および切削加工です。 材質(JIS相当):炭素鋼、ステンレス鋼、真鍮、プラスチック、その他はご相談に応じます。 メッキ:3価クロメート亜鉛(透明、黒、着色)、3価ニッケル、亜鉛-ニッケル、リン酸塩、化成処理、錫、ブルーイング、その他ご相談に応じます。 Previous Next
- Precision Parts
< Back Precision Parts (Piezas de precisión・高精度製品) Precision screws, bolts, pins, nuts, washers, and gears for use in cameras, electrical components, and other precision equipment. Tornillos, pernos, pasadores, tuercas, arandelas y engranajes de precisión para su uso en cámaras, componentes eléctricos y otros equipos de precisión. カメラ、電子部品、その他精密機器に使用される精密ネジ、ボルト、ピン、ナット、ワッシャー、ギアなど。 Precision parts can be cold-forged, stamped, or machined, with cut thread areas. Materials: stainless steel, brass, carbon steel, plastic, other materials can be consulted. Plating: trivalent zinc chromate (clear, black, or colored), trivalent nickel, zinc-nickel, phosphate, passivation, tin, blueing, other plating can be consulted. Las piezas de precisión pueden ser forjadas en frío, estampadas o mecanizadas, con zonas de rosca cortadas. Materiales: acero inoxidable, latón, acero al carbono, plástico, se pueden consultar otros materiales. Revestimiento: cromato de zinc trivalente (transparente, negro o de color), níquel trivalente, zinc-níquel, fosfato, pasivación, estaño, azulado, otros revestimientos pueden ser consultados. 精密部品は、冷間鍛造、プレス加工、機械加工が可能で、ねじ部をカットしています。 材質:ステンレス、真鍮、炭素鋼、プラスチック、その他の材質もご相談に応じます。 メッキ:3価クロメート亜鉛(透明、黒、着色)、3価ニッケル、亜鉛-ニッケル、リン酸塩、不動態化、錫、ブルーイング、その他のメッキもご相談に応じます。 Previous Next
- Machined Parts
< Back Machined Parts (Productos de corte・切削加工品) Brass/stainless steel fasteners, nuts, collars, pins, and shafts. Machined to customer specifications Fijación de latón/acero inoxidable, tuercas, collares, pasadores y ejes. Mecanizado según las especificaciones del cliente. 真鍮/ステンレス製ファスナー、ナット、カラー、ピン、シャフト。お客様の仕様に合わせて切削加工。 Brass or stainless steel parts are machined, with cut threads. Adhesives: LocTite, Nylok, ThreeBond, other ahesive types and grades can be consulted. Las piezas de latón o acero inoxidable están mecanizadas, con roscas cortadas. Adhesivos: LocTite, Nylok, ThreeBond, otros tipos y grados de adhesivos pueden ser consultados. 真鍮やステンレスの切削加工・ネジ切加工製品。 接着剤: LocTite、Nylok、ThreeBond、その他接着剤の種類やグレードはご相談に応じます。 Previous Next
- Die Cast; Metal Injection Molding
< Back Die Cast; Metal Injection Molding (Fundición a presión; MIM・ダイカスト ; MIM) Die-cast or metal-injected plates, frames, boards and panels. Molded to customer specifications. Placas, marcos, tableros y paneles fundidos a presión o inyectados en metal. Moldeados según las especificaciones del cliente. ダイカストまたはメタルインジェクションのプレート、フレーム、ボード、パネル。お客様の仕様に合わせて成型します。 Parts are die-cast or molded using metal injection technology. Materials: powder metal, carbon steel, stainless steel Plating: trivalent zinc chromate (clear, black, or colored), trivalent nickel, zinc-nickel, phosphate, passivation, tin, blueing, other plating can be consulted. Las piezas se funden a presión o se moldean con tecnología de inyección de metal. Materiales: polvo metálico, acero al carbono, acero inoxidable Revestimiento: cromato de zinc trivalente (transparente, negro o de color), níquel trivalente, zinc-níquel, fosfato, pasivación, estaño, azulado, otros revestimientos pueden ser consultados. 部品はダイキャストまたは金属射出成形技術で成形されます。 材質:粉末冶金、炭素鋼、ステンレス鋼 メッキ:3価クロメート亜鉛(クリア、ブラック、カラー)、3価ニッケル、亜鉛-ニッケル、リン酸塩、不動態化、スズ、ブルーイング、その他メッキはご相談に応じます。 Previous Next
- Fasteners
< Back Fasteners (Fijación・ファスナー) Machine and tapping screws, bolts, and rivets. Forged or machined to customer specifications. Tornillos, pernos y remaches a máquina y de rosca. Forjados o mecanizados según las especificaciones del cliente. マシンスクリュー、タッピングスクリュー、ボルト、リベット。お客様の仕様に合わせて鍛造または機械加工されたもの。 Parts are cold-forged and/or machined, with rolling or cutting for threaded areas. Materials (JIS equivalents): carbon steel, stainless steel, brass, plastic, other materials can be consulted. Plating: trivalent zinc chromate (clear, black, or colored), trivalent nickel, zinc-nickel, phosphate, passivation, tin, blueing, other plating can be consulted. Adhesives: LocTite, ThreeBond, other specific adhesive types and grade can be consulted. Las piezas se forjan en frío y/o se mecanizan, con laminación o corte para las zonas roscadas. Materiales (equivalentes en norma JIS): acero al carbono, acero inoxidable, latón, plástico, otros materiales pueden ser consultados. Revestimiento: cromato de zinc trivalente (transparente, negro o de color), níquel trivalente, zinc-níquel, fosfato, pasivación, estaño, azulado, otros revestimientos pueden ser consultados. Adhesivos: LocTite, ThreeBond, otros tipos y grados de adhesivos específicos pueden ser consultados. 部品は冷間鍛造および機械加工で、ネジ部は転造または切削加工となります。 材質(JIS相当):炭素鋼、ステンレス鋼、真鍮、プラスチック、その他はご相談ください。 メッキ:3価クロメート亜鉛(透明、黒、着色)、3価ニッケル、亜鉛-ニッケル、リン酸塩、化成処理、錫、ブルーイング、その他ご相談に応じます。 接着剤 ロックタイト、スリーボンド、その他接着剤の種類やグレードについてはご相談に応じます。 Previous Next
- Shafts and Pins
< Back Shafts and Pins (Ejes y pasadores・シャフト ピン) Shafts, pins, rods and other non-threaded parts. Forged, machined, or die cast to customer specifications. Ejes, pasadores, varillas y otras piezas no roscadas. Forjados, mecanizados o fundidos a presión según las especificaciones del cliente. シャフト、ピン、ロッド、その他の非ネジ部品。お客様の仕様に合わせた鍛造、機械加工、ダイカスト。 Parts are cold-forged and/or machined, other methods such as die-casting can also be handled. Materials (JIS equivalents): carbon steel, stainless steel, brass, plastic, other materials can be consulted. Plating: trivalent zinc chromate (clear, black, or colored), trivalent nickel, zinc-nickel, phosphate, passivation, tin, blueing, other plating can be consulted. Las piezas son forjadas en frío y/o mecanizadas, también se pueden manejar otros métodos como la fundición a presión. Materiales (equivalentes JIS): acero al carbono, acero inoxidable, latón, plástico, se pueden consultar otros materiales. Revestimiento: cromato de zinc trivalente (transparente, negro o de color), níquel trivalente, zinc-níquel, fosfato, pasivación, estaño, azulado, pueden consultarse otros revestimientos. 部品は冷間鍛造、機械加工、その他ダイカスト等も対応可能です。 材質(JIS相当):炭素鋼、ステンレス鋼、真鍮、プラスチック、その他ご相談に応じます。 メッキ:3価クロメート亜鉛(透明、黒、着色)、3価ニッケル、亜鉛-ニッケル、リン酸塩、化成処理、錫、ブルーイング、その他ご相談に応じます。 Previous Next